Hello, I'm Kyle

Welcome to my portfolio


My Skills

  • html


    I have hands-on proficiency with HTML, ensuring its structure follows SEO best practices and adheres closely to BEM conventions.

  • css


    Areas such as selectors, properties, values, cascading, specificity, box model, layouts (including Flexbox and CSS Grid), media queries, and animations are within my realm of expertise.

  • js


    DOM manipulation, events and event listeners, asynchronous programming, error handling, API consumption, and other related areas are among my areas of expertise.

  • react


    Components and props, state and lifecycle, methods, conditional rendering, React Router, higher-order components, and other related areas are areas where I possess expertise.

  • bootstrap


    I have hands-on experience in using Bootstrap. It speeds up my workflow, and I do not need to think of class names as they are already provided. This is one of my favorite CSS frameworks.

  • tailwind

    Tailwind CSS

    I have recently started using Tailwind CSS in some of my personal projects and have really come to enjoy using it. Tailwind helps me keep my styling consistent.

  • redux


    I have hands-on experience with Redux. I like the fact that there is one centralized store for all my state. This makes tracking state easy via the Redux dev tools.

  • node

    Node js

    I enjoy using Node.js to spin up web servers with Express. I have also built many backend solutions with Node.js, both in a professional capacity and on personal projects.

  • postman


    I always use Postman as a go-to for testing my Express APIs before implementing them client-side. It is very helpful when trying to visualize how the client-side will work eventually.

  • mongodb

    Mongo DB

    I am well versed in performing CRUD operations using MongoDB. Mongoose is the ORM I use when implementing these operations. I have been using MongoDB for the past two years.

  • postgre


    I have used PostgreSQL on my last client project. I can also perform CRUD operations using PostgreSQL. I have more experience using it with the Sequelize ORM.

  • ethereum

    Ethereum - Solidity

    I can understand Solidity Smart Contracts, test them on Remix, use Hardhat.js to deploy them, and Ethers.js or Web3.js to build a UI on the client-side. I can also use Truffle.

  • aws


    I have hands-on experience with AWS Cognito for user management, S3 for simple object storage, API Gateway, and Lambda for serverless function deployment and API management.

  • firebase


    I can use Firebase for authentication and user management. I use Firestore to perform CRUD operations. I have used Firebase in one of my latest personal projects called Bookworks (still a work in progress).

My Projects

React Memory Game

I've created a fun game using React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS. The objective is to match pairs of tiles. If two flipped tiles don't match, they return to their default state. When all pairs are successfully matched, the tiles disappear. Additionally, the project features unit tests implemented with React Testing Library.


Taskify Webpack

This Todo List application, built with vanilla JavaScript and Webpack, features project management with multiple projects, and user-friendly task viewing and editing. The app ensures data persistence with localStorage. Styled with plain CSS, this project demonstrates skills in modern web development, including state management and component-based architecture.

Angular Flag app

This is an Angular application that consumes a simple Express API I have created. The design file is also provided in PNG format. Features include consuming the API, a search bar to search for a country, and a filter bar to filter by region. Both the client and server-side logic can be run concurrently using Docker and Docker Compose. The logic also has 100% test code coverage


CSS Dashboard

This is a CSS dashboard challenge from a platform called The Odin Project. The project includes both Flexbox and CSS grid for full screen layout. This project was built using React.


I am using React and Tailwind. For form validation I am using RHF and Yup. Redux is used for state management. This was part of an Authentication UI template sample I built for a client. React router has been used for each authentication route and form submission buttons are disabled if all fields are not filled.


About Me

Full Stack JavaScript Developer

I'm Kyle, and I love building things on the web. Prior to web development, I worked as a junior accountant. In 2019, I decided to transition to web development because I recognized the growing shift of businesses into the digital realm. With a strong interest in digital business, I am well-versed in e-commerce. I enjoy analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of online businesses, and I could spend hours delving into e-commerce or crypto-related metrics. I am fully proficient in the MERN and MEAN stack and possess experience with various other web technologies.

I chose web development as a way to channel all the skills I've acquired into a single domain. Blockchain dApp development is a path I am keenly pursuing, as I wholeheartedly believe in the potential of decentralized finance. I am looking forward to connecting with you. Best regards, Kyle.

Professional Experience

Techadon Technologies - Junior Full Stack Developer (February 14 to December 1, 2022)

At Techadon, my role was multifaceted, encompassing client-side responsibilities such as implementing features like Authentication using AWS Cognito and Amplify. The application's primary objective was to leverage decentralized technologies like Ethers.js and the Ethereum blockchain to create a decentralized wallet solution. The core web app focused on wallet-related functionalities, including sending, receiving, and viewing the balance. I was responsible for implementing these basic wallet features.

Additionally, I built an admin dashboard for managing KYC submissions. One of the highlights of this task was implementing graphs using Chart.js and Apex Charts libraries. To populate these graphs with relevant data, I utilized data providers like CoinGecko and various others.

On the server-side, my responsibilities included managing user wallet creation, user transactions, and user sending. I used PostgreSQL and the Sequelize ORM for these tasks. Furthermore, I developed KYC upload routes using Express and Node.js, along with gathering market data. I also worked on logic that interacts with the Uniswap API and existing stablecoin smart contracts, such as USDT and DAI.

Umuzi - Junior Web Developer (June 2023 to May 2024)

Passionate and innovative Full Stack Developer undergoing a transformative 12-month learnership at Umuzi. With a focus on full-stack programming (Systems Development), I've successfully completed a comprehensive curriculum comprising 91 projects within 7 months (2 Months before the recommended deadline). This rigorous program emphasizes a peer-reviewed approach, ensuring that each project attains the highest standard of competence.

Throughout this dynamic learnership, I've gained an in-depth proficiency on a range of technologies, including but not limited to the PERN and MERN stack, and much more. My proficiency has been validated through a series of Coderbyte-style algorithm tests, where I've achieved a level two proficiency thus far.

The curriculum also includes a design thinking project, providing hands-on experience in creating an MVP using Figma. My aptitude for design thinking was further demonstrated in a collaborative group project that successfully addressed real-world challenges.

Key Achievements:

Completed a rigorous 9-month full-stack programme 2 months before the recommended deadline. Completed 91 projects of various complexity. Demonstrated proficiency in a range of technologies, with a focus on the PERN stack. Achieved a level two proficiency in Coderbyte-style algorithm tests. Applied design thinking principles to create an MVP using Figma. Collaborated effectively in a group project to address real-world challenges. Conducted 450+ peer-reviews for projects of various complexity via Github.

Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited - Web Developer Intern (March 2024 to May 2024)

I created Sequence Diagrams and Component Diagrams to visualize interactions and system structure. I designed API input/output samples using Swagger for POST and GET requests in JSON format and documented API designs with JSON samples in markdown. Additionally, I created UI mock designs using Figma and expanded my API design knowledge with custom methods in Swagger. I also set up shared repositories for Wiremock and UI projects on GitHub.

In my testing phase, I created mock scenarios and spun up a mock server in a Docker container. I verified GET and POST interactions and created unit tests in Postman. Following this, I built the UI using Angular based on feedback, consumed data from GET requests, and implemented filtering and search functionality. I updated UI logic and researched best practices for unit testing in Angular.

During my AWS Solutions Architect training, I completed sections covering Availability Zones, IAM, EC2, ELB, RDS, S3, and other AWS services, discussing high availability, scalability, and security aspects of AWS. To streamline the deployment process, I set up auto-build processes using GitHub Actions and containerized the Angular application, creating Docker Compose files for concurrent backend and frontend deployment. Furthermore, I researched and implemented Ory Hydra as an Identity Provider for user authentication and authorization.

Key Achievements:

I developed and tested mock APIs and UIs using Docker, Wiremock, and Postman. I containerized applications for efficient deployment, integrated backend services, and implemented secure authentication methods. I demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of AWS Solutions Architecture.

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